Intelsat 17 at 66.0°E Satellite data now

Intelsat 17 at 66.0°E was launched on November 26, 2010, and covers the areas of Russia, Africa, and Global Beams in Ku and C-bands.

General Data

Satellite Name: Intelsat 17 (IS-17)
Status: Active
Position: 66° E (66° E)
NORAD: 37238
Cospar ID: 2010-065B
Official Website: Click on the Spot Beams below to go to the official page of the satellite.
Launch date: 26-Nov-2010
About: Intelsat Wikipedia
Launch vehicle: Ariane 5 ECA
Launch mass (kg): 5540
Dry mass (kg): 2393
Manufacturer: Maxar Technologies (SSL/MDA)
Model (bus): SSL 1300
Orbit: GEO

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Spot Beams

Intelsat 17 at 66.0°E Satellite data now
C-band Landmass Beam
C-band West Hemi Beam
C-band Global Beam

Fuchsstadt Teleport: 16.4m
MCPC Platform: C-band / Uplink from EDM Singapore

Ku-band Russia Beam
Ku-band Europe/ME Beam
Ku-band Africa Beam

Fuchsstadt Teleport: 9.3m

C Band
42 dBW41 dBW40 dBW39 dBW38 dBW37 dBW36 dBW35 dBW34 dBW33 dBW32 dBW31 dBW30 dBW
80-100 cm90-115 cm100-125 cm115-145 cm125-160 cm145-180 cm160-200 cm180-225 cm200-255 cm225-285 cm255-320 cm285-360 cm320-400 cm
Ku Band
50 dBW49 dBW48 dBW47 dBW46 dBW45 dBW44 dBW43 dBW42 dBW41 dBW40 dBW39 dBW38 dBW
50-60 cm55-65 cm60-75 cm65-85 cm75-95 cm85-105 cm95-120 cm105-135 cm120-150 cm135-170 cm150-190 cm170-215 cm190-240 cm